Big Update! Over 10M Children Benefit From Rs 4500 Taleemi Wazifa || Register for BISP Taleemi Wazif

Big Update! Over 10M Children Benefit From Rs 4500 Taleemi Wazifa || Register for BISP Taleemi Wazif

Advantages Of The Rs 4500 Taleemi Wazifa:

Benefit From The Rs. 4500 Taleemi Wazifa Benazir Income Support Program is one of the largest initiatives, helping hundreds of women each month and granting them access to multiple resources. One of its biggest applications, which serves the beneficiaries’ children, is the 4500 Benazir Taleemi Wazaif, which provides conditional price changes to children who meet the eligibility requirements and attend school with a 70% attendance rate.

More than 10 million beneficiary teenagers are now enrolled in this software program, and as a result, more youngsters who qualify are registering using their B-Form at the BISP Tehsil office.

Benefiting 10 Million Children Is 8171 Taleemi Wazaif

In today’s meeting, which BISP officials attended, it was mentioned that Benazir Taleemi Wazaif has been one of the crucial institutions and boards from the neighborhood of qualified university students who face obstacles in pursuing their education during this challenging period of rising inflation. These students are assisted by using their economic potential to continue their education, and their poverty no longer forces them to stop their education midway through.

For 2024, the Benazir Taleemi Wazif has been raised; each toddler will now have a new extent of 4000 for males and 4500 for girls. The project recognizes that education has the power to change the lives of women.

Additional Students Can Enroll in 8171 Taleemi Wazifa

This assistance is available to children whose mothers meet the requirements of the Benazir Kafalat Program; if the mother meets the requirements but is no longer able to accrue the monthly wazifa from Ehsaas Kafalat, the infant will be responsible for paying the Benazir Taleemi Wazifa Conditional Cash transfer. Registration is still available at the BISP Tehsil office for qualified adolescent families.

In my opinion, going to your closest Benazir Tehsil workplace and obtaining the necessary archives—which are listed below in this post—is the most practical way to cancel your enrollment in Benazir Taleemi Wazaif. However, all the information is provided below for the Online Registration in 8171 Wazifa, so benefit from every one of these points.

How Can I Use the B-Form to Register for BISP Taleemi Wazif?

To register your child for the Benazir Taleemi Program and get benefits of Rs. 4,500 Taleemi Wazifa via the child’s B-Form, follow these steps:

Step 1: visit, the dependable BISP website.

Step 2: Select the link for the Rs. 4,500 Benazir Taleemi Wazifa program registration.
Step 3: Complete the utility shape by adding the necessary points of importance and double-check for accuracy.
Step 4: Upload important files, such as your educational credentials and B-form, and ensure they are legible and clear.
Step 5: Send your application for the Rs. 4,500 Benazir Taleemi Wazifa by clicking the Submit button.
Step 6: Await a message from the authorities confirming your utility repute.
Further Details: How Can I Make Sure My 10500 Registration for the BISP Kafalat Program Payments Is Successful?
70% of students are eligible for 4500 Taleemi Wazifa.
It is important to remember that university students who have an attendance fee of more than 70% will be paid in full; if not, they will get a notification that their program license has been revoked.

Registering for BISP Taleemi Wazifa:

S.No.Contact NameRelation/RolePhone NumberEmail AddressRegistration DateStatusRemarks
1Ali RazaParent+923001234567ali.raza@email.com10-Oct-2024RegisteredAwaiting approval
2Fatima BibiGuardian+923008765432fatima.bibi@email.com09-Oct-2024PendingDocuments under review
3Ahmed MalikStudent+923001112233ahmed.malik@email.com08-Oct-2024RegisteredSuccessfully submitted
4Ayesha KhanSchool Representative+923002223344ayesha.khan@email.com10-Oct-2024IncompleteMissing CNIC document

A list of university college students who will get the Benazir Wazifa based unquestionably on a 70% attendance percentage will be supplied when the procedure has been validated. schools, the difference in the proportion of children has started.

Benazir Taleemi Wazaif’s Qualifications

Youth must meet the requirements listed below to be eligible to participate in the Benazir Taleemi Wazaif program:

The only applicant is the Kafalat Beneficiary Child.

For a baby to be enrolled in a large school, it must be between the ages of four and twelve.
For an adolescent to be enrolled in secondary school, they must be between the ages of eight and eighteen.
The younger person wants to enroll in the government-run institution or university that is nearest to their place of residence.


Finally, the Benazir Taleemi Wazifa Benefit From Rs 4500 Taleemi Wazifa utility serves a fundamental purpose in the lives of more than 10 million children by providing financial aid to those who fulfill the qualifying standards and maintain a school attendance rate of more than 70%. This program not only promotes education as a tool that has the power to drastically improve lives, but it also helps reduce the financial burden on families facing difficult times.

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