Breaking News: ID Card Holders Eligible for 25000 BISP Kafalat Payments || Apply Now!

ID Card Holders Eligible for 25000 BISP Kafalat Payments

25,000 BISP Kafalat Payments are available to them.

The latest update on the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) Kafalat payments involves new disbursements of PKR 25,000 to certain eligible recipients. This increased payment is aimed at providing additional support during times of economic hardship

BISP Kafalat payments of 25,000 have been made to people with ID cards.This money is meant to improve the lives of low-income families and people who are on the outside in Pakistan.Starting November 1, people who took part in this project will get their money.When you go to get your money, make sure you have your 13-digit ID number with you.Must have a Pakistani ID card.Also, the registration process has begun for those who haven’t already; you can use your ID card to register.Registration is a must if you want to take part in this project.

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Check your CNIC to see if you are signed up for the 2024 BISP Kafalat scheme.

To join the funding program, people who have not yet entered their ID card number should do so as soon as possible.Because your CNIC number is how you will get the help money for this scheme.You should go to the BISP center that Pakistan set up.Please go to that place again to register your CNIC number. Get your money.Remember that you will get money if you meet the program’s standards.

  • What do you need to do to get the 25000 BISP Kafalat Payments?
  • E-ID cards are what you need to have.
  • Your family must not make a lot of money.

However, men can join if they are the head of the family, even though women are preferred.
You are not getting any money from any other government welfare programs.
Aged between 20 and 70 years old
Anyone who has been in the BISP program in the past is immediately qualified for a PKR 25,000 payment.

What You Need to Pay for Kafalat in the BISP

You have certificates of national registration with you.
Your cash situation, as shown by a receipt or other proof of income.
Have a proof message that says you are registered for NSER or that you are eligible.
To make a payment, you need to use the registration cell phone number from your CNIC.
Any other papers the BISP office asks for during the filing process.

How do I apply for BISP Kafalat payments?

  1. To sign up for BISP Kafalat payments, there are a few easy steps to follow:
  2. Sending your CNIC number to 8171 via SMS or going to the NSER website is the first thing you need to do to make sure you are eligible.
  3. If you are qualified, please go to the BISP registration center that is closest to you.
  4. You need to send in your CNIC and fill out the application form.
  5. Give as much information as possible on the application form.
  6. Please send the necessary paperwork with the application form, such as a copy of your ID card and proof of your income.


Field NameData TypeDescription
Beneficiary_IDINT (Primary Key)Unique identifier for each eligible individual.
CNIC_NumberVARCHAR(15)CNIC of the beneficiary (e.g., 12345-1234567-8).
Full_NameVARCHAR(100)Full name of the beneficiary.
GenderVARCHAR(10)Gender of the beneficiary (e.g., Male, Female).
Date_of_BirthDATEDate of birth of the individual.
AddressTEXTComplete residential address.
ProvinceVARCHAR(50)Province of residence (e.g., Punjab, Sindh).
DistrictVARCHAR(50)District of residence.
Eligibility_StatusVARCHAR(20)Eligibility status (e.g., Eligible, Pending).
Payment_StatusVARCHAR(20)Status of payment (e.g., Paid, Unpaid, In-Process).
Payment_AmountDECIMAL(10,2)Amount allocated (e.g., 25000.00).
Disbursement_DateDATEDate of payment disbursal (if applicable).
Contact_NumberVARCHAR(15)Phone number for communication.
Enrollment_DateDATEDate the beneficiary was enrolled.
Last_UpdatedTIMESTAMPLast updated timestamp for the record.
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After that, it will be checked, and once it is confirmed, you will be told when and where your PKR 25,000 payment will be made.
You can get your money through HBL Konnect, Branchless Banking Agents, or certain ATMs.

Last Thoughts

Families who need help and are poor can apply for this service. If you have your National Identity Card with you, please go to the Benazir office closest to you right away to sign up and get your payment when the new BISP installment starts.If you are signed up for this program, sending your National Identity Card number to 8171 is an easy way to make sure you are eligible.

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